Free Play Online Casino Game Demos
The number one responsibility of Casinos is bringing enjoyment to their guests in all aspects that are appealing, fun, and fantastical. Bottom Line – a Casino is a place to get away from it all and have a good time.
Casinos welcome new gambling ideas to improve and enhance the gambling experience of their guests. One way to do this is through your demo. Casinos bringing new games to the floor will want to experience and see the game for themselves. Games of chance in action and in real time bring the game to life.
Casinos welcome new gambling ideas to improve and enhance the gambling experience of their guests. One way to do this is through your demo. Casinos bringing new games to the floor will want to experience and see the game for themselves. Games of chance in action and in real time bring the game to life.

Cambridge Design Game Demo Solutions
Cambridge Design Helps You In The Marketplace
Cambridge design helps to market your single player or multi player game to the operator and lowers the operator’s risk profile. How we do this is twofold. We design, for the suppliers, game demos as a marketing and presentation tool when the supplier is in front of the operator. We also provide the opportunity for operators and regulators to execute usability testing of the game before the game hits the casino floor, in turn lowering the risk profile.
We help our clients get the commitment from the operators who experience the game first hand. The operators will see and experience right away how your game will attract their new customers and bring something different to the more traditional gamer.